1-800-NO-CLOTS (+1-905-574-2722) is a toll-free service established by Dr. Maureen Andrew in 1994 to provide free consultative service for health care professionals treating children with thromboembolic disease. After the death of Dr. Andrew, the service is currently provided by one of Dr. Andrew's trainees, Dr. Anthony Chan, who is a pediatric hematologist. The service continues to be offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Non-urgent calls that come in between 11 PM and 7AM (EST) will be handled the next morning.
The service provider does not take legal responsibility for the care of the patients, but is happy to share his experience in caring for children with thrombotic problems.
Let’s Work Together
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5
E-Mail: noclots@1800noclots.ca
Tel: 1-800-NO-CLOTS
1-905-574-2722 (LOCAL)